My wife has an unending list of projects for me to do around the house. I don't mind working around the house, I just don't have a lot of time to do all that needs to be done. I was working out of town last weekend, my wife decided to improve the hall bathroom by herself. She did a great job. She almost had it completed before I got back. Here are some pictures of the things she did.
First she repainted the entire room with two coats of paint. It took less than a gallon of paint to do. A couple of cheap brushes and a roller and she was off and running.
She picked up some accessories; pictures, rugs, mirror, towel bars, etc. She shopped at Target and Kohl's, and got some great deals. (Luckily, the wife's not the big spender.)
She picked up some accessories; pictures, rugs, mirror, towel bars, etc. She shopped at Target and Kohl's, and got some great deals. (Luckily, the wife's not the big spender.)
There were some things that she was not able to do. For example, I installed the faucet that she purchased so that I could say that I helped.
The bathroom looks great. It was very inexpensive to do ourselves. Start to finish the project took two days to complete, and cost about a hundred dollars. Not bad for a woman with initiative. :)