Sunday, December 6, 2009
Tromler Construction Holiday Card
Originally uploaded by TromlerPics
Happy Hoildays from Tromler Construction!
Thanks for an awesome year, look forward to being of service in the future.
Here are some Remodeling ideas from Amazon.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Gutter Replacement in Cameron Park
One of the things that gets overlooked are the gutters. A visual inspection can do a lot of good. Broken seams and rust holes are common and needs to be addressed. So what is a homeowner to do?
You can do the visual inspection yourself. While its raining, do the gutters leak? Does the water flow down the downspouts? Who do you call. If you need help?
Call a roofing contractor or gutter specialist for longer jobs. A general contractor or handyman may be able to help with smaller repairs. You may even want to give it a shot yourself.
Good Luck!
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Thursday, September 10, 2009
Hive Found in the Ceiling - Drywall Repaired
We were working on getting this room completed on schedule. The painter discovered a soft spot in to drywall ceiling while rolling out the room. Inside the room there was no signs of a problem. No stain, no odor, looked fine until you touched it. Paper thin!

We found a 12" section that was "chewed" from the top attic area. My first thought was animals. Rats, squirrels, who knows? It was none of these. We a broomstick we punched open the area to discover a large hive. Not sure what kind of hive. There were honey combs, but also a paperwebing that I had not seen until then.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Exterior Door Replacement

This door was painted, yet was damaged from the rains. Why? Well, I can think of several reasons.
1. The door was not properly primed before painting. All the surfaces, including the top and bottom of the door should be primed before painting. An oil-based primer is best.
2. Water needed to be diverted away from the door. This door was at the end of the gutter, when the downspout was clogged, water cascaded over the top and on to the door.
3. Maintenance. At the first sign of loose paint, swelling, discoloration, etc. the problem should be addressed. Fixing some loose paint, or checking for door swelling can allow a problem to be corrected early. Correcting a door problem early can at years to the life of the door.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Clean and Dirty Air Filters
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HVAC Air Filters - Keep Air Filter Clean
Air filters catch small debris that can harm the HVAC unit. Over time the air filters get dirty. These filters need to be replaced regularly. How often do you change these filters? It depends. Q
The air filters pictured below are from a home in Placerville. It shows how quickly these filters can get filled with dust and debris. One filter is only 4 months old. New carpet, pets, landscaping, etc can all lead to dirty filters. How often is system is running will also effect the life of the filter.
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Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Mold on Sheetrock Walls and Ceiling Removed

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Moldy Drywall in Lincon, Ca
Repairs made easy
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Kitchen drain repair
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Hot mop asphalt tar
Monday, June 15, 2009
Cracked drain pipe in slab.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Kitchen Plumbing Leak in Sacramento

We opened up the drywall under the kitchen sink to find the source of the water found outside. The water was determined to be running down the drain pipe and onto the slab. The clean up fitting shown here is at the base of the cabinet, the cracked pipe was below this fitting and continued into the slab. Today we will open the exterior side of the wall to get access to this repair. A section of stucco will be cut out and later patched. New pictures will be posted at that time.