The leaves have started to fall from the trees around your home, now is the time to check for leaf build-up. You can probably see the roof top from the ground.
Are the leaves piling up in the valleys of the roof? Do the leaves fill and top the gutters? This may be a good time to correct this issue. If the rain water can't get to the gutters and downspouts, water will be flowing over the top and possibly creating new problems around the house.

This is something that a homeowner can do themselves, you will need a few common items to do the job. A blower or small rack to clear out the valleys comes in handy. The gutters will need to be scooped out by hand or purchase a scooper designed for gutter cleaning.

If you've neglected doing this for a while the gutters may be filled with moist decomposing debris. It can be a smelly mess, gloves and a mask may help.
Of course there are business that do this sort of thing. Look up gutter cleaning in your local area for help with this.
Good Luck in all your home maintenance projects.